Every Man Has Committed Adultery so Let’s Deal With it in 6 Easy Steps

Every Man Has Committed Adultery so Let’s Deal With it in 6 Easy Steps July 24, 2019

Every Man Has Committed Adultery so Let’s Deal With it in 6 Easy Steps, OK? If you are a woman reading this article, you probably think that your husband or boyfriend has cheated on you. And I am here to tell you that you are 100% right! He has cheated on you.

The purpose of today’s article is not to resurrect the past. If you have repented and confessed your sins God has forgiven you. If you feel guilty after confessing, that guilt is from Satan. His desire is to beat you down, to make you feel lower than a snake’s navel, keeping you ineffective for Jesus kingdom work.


Some of you have been involved in adultery, either in the flesh, in your mind, Romance novels, or the Internet. It is all adultery. Jesus said “You have heard that it was said, ’Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28).”

By the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus wants to release you and set you free.

This message then, is to free those who have stepped on this minefield, and prevent the rest from being imploded.

Teenagers and young adults, this message is also for you.

One the players for the Charlotte Hornets, Bobby Phillys, left practice one day in his Porsche and started to race a teammate down a nearby road, reaching speeds of almost 100 mph. Sadly, he topped a hill, slid through an intersection, and was killed. Ask people, “Is drag racing a sin?” Invariably, the answer is a resounding, “Yes.” Then ask them, “O.K., then is it a sin to drag race at the Indianapolis 500?” ANSWER: “Well, no, I guess not.”

So is drag racing sin, yes or no? Drag racing is a sin on a public road; it’s not a sin at a racetrack built for that purpose. Similarly, sex is not a sin if one has sex within God’s guidelines, one man and one woman in marriage. Outside of God’s guidelines, sex only leads to ugliness and death (Proverbs 5:11-14).

Families under Attack

Whenever God says a negative He always has a positive purpose behind it. It is not to cause you pain. It is for your protection. God says when you play by the rules you win. God says “You shall not commit adultery.”

Nothing destroys a family faster than adultery. God says this is My protection plan. I don’t want you committing adultery.

God invented sex. What a great God. But like everything it must be controlled and limited. All of God’s gifts have limitations. God has given us the gift of water. You can’t live without water. But too much of it and you’ll drown. God has given us fire. Fire can either warm you or burn you.

God says I’ve given you a drive called sex. Properly controlled and expressed within marriage it’s beautiful and fantastic. But outside of marriage it is destructive and detrimental to your health — emotionally, spiritually, in every way.

God wants us to use sex as a tool for building a marriage not to destroy it (Hebrews 13:5).

It’s easier to get married than to stay married.

In the Bexar County area (San Antonio TEXAS), there are permissive values that basically say “anything goes”. Sex is used to sell everything from cars to toothpaste. The media bombards us. We don’t stand a chance of remaining pure unless we follow God’s guidelines for our lives. Reader’s Digest did a study and said fifty percent of all husbands and probably 35% of all wives have committed adultery. This is happening even among Christians. The Bible say adultery is a trap.

Today were starting a six step series on how to affair proof your marriage. Every man must read this series. Every woman must brace the inevitable fact that sexual sin is a real danger to both man and woman! So for the next 6 articles, I will bring to life the message that God has designed for us all to affair proof our marriages. Don’t miss a day of it!

A Word From Eduardo Quintana

A Call To Action

Men, our families need godly men. Our wives need godly men. Our world needs godly men. Will you be a man with me? Let’s show ourselves strong by living for the Lord. Today I ask you to decide, will you be a man or a mouse? Will you be a Godly man or will you turn your back on God? Will you be a man that lives to serve his wife and children or will you be the man that lives to please himself? Choose today what kind of a man you will be, as for me and my sons, we will serve the Lord and be the men that God created us to be. Will you join us?

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