Christmas Interrupted My Life – Has It Interrupted Yours?

Christmas Interrupted My Life – Has It Interrupted Yours? November 26, 2018

Christmas interrupted Joseph’s life some 2000 years ago and if we are honest, we will confess that it has interrupted our lives as well. Don’t believe me? I dare you to find out.

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Christmas Got In My Way!

Christmas Got In My Way - Joseph, the Man, the Father and the Husband.
Christmas Got In My Way – Joseph, the Man, the Father and the Husband.

I find myself wondering what it must have been like to be Joseph (Jesus’ stepfather). There are lots of books and bible teachings about Christmas. Most of them have to do with Jesus himself and rightfully so. Then you have some teaching where Mary (Jesus’ mom) is highlighted. But I don’t know of many books or bible teachings where Joseph was the center of the teaching. And so as Christmas day is just days away, I want to look at Christmas from the eyes of a man. And today it is all about Joseph, the man, the father and the husband.

The Scene

I’ll set the scene now; Joseph’s heart was full of anticipation over his recent engagement to Mary. He had to be daydreaming and thinking about what his life would be like, and he was, no doubt, optimistic about his future. Little did he know that God had other plans and that the first Christmas would get in his way.

The bible does not tell us how Joseph came to notice MARY’S condition. I wonder, did she tell him from the start? Did she begin to show and have to explain it to him or did he even give her a chance to explain? And, suppose he did. How in the world was he going to believe something as far fetched as the actual truth?

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