Here are 3 Things Men Need – Manly Training Ministries

Here are 3 Things Men Need – Manly Training Ministries November 30, 2018

The other day I was having a conversation with some men when one of them spontaneously asked the group; “Do you know what men need”? The media will tell us that we need to have this car or that house. We believe the lies that tell us that we need more stuff or that we are not complete men if we don’t have this or that.  But God knows exactly what we need. Here are 3 things Men need, according to God’s word.

Men need vision.

The Bible says, in Proverbs 29:18 – When there is no vision the people perish.

Jesus had a vision. He called it the kingdom of God. It was huge. It involved nothing less than a re-creation of the world, one person at a time. And we are His partners in this task. This vision was the focus of His entire life. Everything about His life was tied up in this vision. It was the reason He lived and died.

Unfortunately for the modern church, men don’t have a vision of what God is doing in His church. Church then becomes a club instead of a cause where we try to improve ourselves morally or keep ourselves busy. We must see the significance of the tasks we are given to do. The state of this country and this world depends upon the smallest prayer that we say! So I believe it is time for men to man up and get the vision God has for each one of us.

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