October 16, 2024

There’s a lot of chatter right now about Donald Trump’s character. You’ve likely heard the critiques—he’s abrasive, arrogant, and, even, a “threat to democracy.” But let’s not get it twisted. You aren’t choosing a pastor or a spiritual mentor. You’re choosing a president whose policies will have massive ramifications for this country. The stakes couldn’t be higher. As Christians, we need to weigh the policies on both sides of the ballot and choose a candidate on the basis of policy.... Read more

October 15, 2024

In a world where power seems to shift with every election cycle or global event, it’s easy to feel like things are out of control. But here’s the good news: God reigns. Psalm 93 is a bold reminder that no matter what chaos swirls around us, God is in charge. It’s the ultimate flex, a cosmic mic drop, reminding us that God’s sovereignty is unshakable. Let’s unpack eight aspects of God’s reign to see why it should give us confidence... Read more

October 4, 2024

Worship isn’t just a Sunday sing-along—it’s a divine battle cry. In 2 Kings 3, we find Elisha in a bad mood. He’s frustrated with King Joram of Israel, an evil king who dragged him into a dire situation. Facing a battle with no water and little hope, Elisha doesn’t want to help, but because the righteous King Jehoshaphat of Judah is present, he agrees. Still cranky, Elisha says, “Bring me a musician” (2 Kings 3:15, NKJV). As the music plays,... Read more

September 9, 2024

Many of us grew up with the idea that following God meant following a long list of rules. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Work harder. Be better. It felt like the only way to be accepted by God was to perform perfectly, and even then, it never seemed like enough. That’s because the Old Command—the law—was based on performance. It was all about trying to meet God’s standard through our own efforts. But then Jesus came along and changed... Read more

September 9, 2024

We’ve all been there—knowing in our heads that God loves us, but not really feeling it in our hearts. Sometimes, it feels like there’s a disconnect between what we believe and what we actually experience. But why is that? What’s standing in the way of us truly experiencing the depth of God’s love in our everyday lives. It’s not that God’s love isn’t there; it’s that there are barriers blocking us from fully receiving and experiencing His love. These barriers... Read more

September 29, 2023

In the same way that marijuana is the gateway drug to more dangerous drug use, inviting self-righteous thinking into our lives is the first step to becoming a full-blown Pharisee. Self-righteous people seek to establish their right standing with God based on human performance. This idea runs contrary to the very essence of the gospel. If people can achieve righteousness based on their performance, Jesus’s death on the cross and His subsequent resurrection were in vain. Unfortunately, too many believers... Read more

February 27, 2023

The way kids select sporting teams during school recess is a microcosm of how the world works. The two best athletes are identified as captains and then begins the process of elimination. One-by-one the best athletes are chosen as the others pray they are not chosen last. This process mirrors the modus operandi of the world’s system. In the world, people are selected based on their abilities, influence and prestige. Thankfully, God does not operate like the world and does... Read more

February 20, 2023

We all want God’s best for our lives. You might be seeking a promotion, praying for a spouse, or even desiring more influence in the ministry. There’s nothing wrong with wanting God’s best. However, you must realize that nothing of eternal significance comes without a price. God will allow the devil to bring tests into your life to “prove by fire” that your faith is genuine. The testing is designed to bring you into greater maturity by revealing your motives,... Read more

February 12, 2023

Every believer represents a living masterpiece that has been carefully put together to accomplish a specific purpose. In the same way that a master artist takes great care in selecting the right canvas for a painting, God takes great care in selecting each believer for a specific assignment. As a result, there is nothing about our lives that happens outside of His sovereignty. Like the master artist, every stroke of the brush and color variance has been intricately applied to... Read more

March 10, 2022

Anthropology shows that most people around the world believe in the existence of God. However, the belief that God exists does not answer the most important questions about life. Why we were created, how are we are supposed to live and what happens after we die? People throughout history have tried to answer these questions, but their efforts have resulted in numerous contradictory theories. The truth is that nobody can figure out what God is thinking unless He speaks to... Read more

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