Democrats Defend Violent, Aggressive, Fascism: the Future is Not Pretty

Democrats Defend Violent, Aggressive, Fascism: the Future is Not Pretty June 25, 2018

Any time you turn on the news, it seems like the nation is being ripped apart.  The most recent details relate to our inability to be even remotely kind to one another.  Liberal fascists lately have decided that conservative simply don’t have a place in society anymore.

Hecklers forced Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a restaurant.

House members have yelled and screamed at President Donald Trump.

Rappers have used imagery of Trump being executed to sell albums.

Peter Fonda tweeted that “we should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.”

Classy.  In response, California Democrat Maxine Waters said, “You think we’re rallying now? You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she vowed at an enthusiastic Los Angeles rally Saturday. “Already you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants … protesters taking up at their house saying ‘no peace, no sleep.’”

Well, that’s instructive.  Other Democrats are bending over backward to justify their terrible behavior, too.  On Thursday, Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.)  blamed the President for all of this crassness.  He blamed the President for causing all this “emotion in the country.”

“When you separate a baby from its breastfeeding mother and put that child in a cage, you’re going to see emotion in this country,” Swalwell said.

He added that he has received messages asking him to do something, and he expressed dissatisfaction that the House Judiciary Committee was instead looking at Hillary Clinton’s email scandal in light of the inspector general’s recent report. That report found bias at the FBI during the investigation of Clinton during her time as secretary of state.

Okay, so now that President Trump has gone back to Obama’s policies, should we expect an onslaught of civility?

Um…  no:

“I will say that my colleagues who went to the president and wanted to confront him had the passion of their constituents behind them,” Swalwell answered. “Certainly Fonda apologized, rightfully, for what he did, but the president has to be confronted about what he’s doing.”

He went on to say the country’s “awakening” against Trump needs to “be louder” in order to win politically.

“Of course we should never resort to violence, we should do it peacefully, as leaders before us in this country have done it in other trying times,” he said. “The president is doing exactly what he said he would do during the campaign, now we just must be louder.”

Watch the interview for yourself, below:

Violent, aggressive, scary fascism on the rise…and being defended by elected Democrats from the New Fascist Democrat Party.  Yes my friends…welcome to the NFDP.  

It’s the future, and it’s not pretty.

Image Credit: Screen Cap

Hat Tip: FreeBeacon

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