Democrat Favorite Louis Farrakhan Goes on Rant about Anal Sex and ‘Jewish Power’ (Yet Trump is the Problem, Got It?)

Democrat Favorite Louis Farrakhan Goes on Rant about Anal Sex and ‘Jewish Power’ (Yet Trump is the Problem, Got It?) June 12, 2018

You know how Democrats are supposedly just absolutely furious about the “racism” of President Donald Trump?

Call me dubious, when they continue to meet with hateful bigot and Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan.  In his latest anti-Semitic rant, he said, “Do you know that many of us who go to Hollywood seeking a chance have to submit to anal sex and all kind of debauchery and they give you a little part? It’s called the casting couch. See that’s Jewish power.”

Um, what?

You can hear him say it in his own words below:

Of course, this isn’t the first time he’s said something horrible — he’s been saying terribly racist things against white people are Jews for years.  Yet, Democrats embrace him.  I’m not talking about small time city councilmen.  I’m talking about the most prominent Democrats around.  Yes, even him:

Jake Tapper always calls him out — as well as the people who refuse to denounce him.

Also, Glenn Beck chimed in:

It’s just hard to take seriously their outrage over the supposed racism of Trump, when they can’t even muster up the courage to refuse a photo opportunity with this sort of filth.

Image Credit: Tasnim News Agency [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Hat Tip:  Daily Caller

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