One of my spiders in the jar

One of my spiders in the jar June 28, 2012

…demanded, in high dudgeon, to know why I consider homosex “unnatural”. Another was greatly upset that I use a term like “homosex” to describe the unnatural act performed by active homosexuals (apparently being unaware that other, more descriptive language is even less pleasant). Still others insist, of course, that if you offer anything less than enthusiastic approval for, well, acts that no normal person wants to describe or visualize, then the problem is with you, not with the act.

To all of these people, I offer this (not for the weak of stomach). As with perpetual makers of fine distinctions in the matter of torture, homosex advocates who remain eternally puzzled about what O what “unnatural” means are, I submit, sophists full of crap. Indeed, as Dan Savage’s cruel and self-hating coinage of the term “santorum” makes clear they are often literally full of crap.

There’s a reason St. Paul said of wilful advocates of sin that “their glory is their shame”.

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