Brandon Vogt is one of the Most Generous People I Know

Brandon Vogt is one of the Most Generous People I Know August 17, 2012

His latest act of kindness: Rounding up support for various Catholic speakers (including Yr. Obdt. Svt). I am surprised and cheered by the sheer number of people on the list he has compiled. Go and vote for the person you like and help out somebody who is undoubtedly living on a financial knife edge like we do at Chez Shea.

Speaking of which, if your parish or conference or Catholic group is looking for somebody to come and speak about a wide range of issues pertaining to the Catholic faith in way that is accessible, fun and informative, may I suggest you consider, well, me? I have given talks all over the English-speaking world on everything from soup to nuts and people write me back to say things like:

On a personal note, I wanted to let you know that Brandon and I were at the “Mary” talk you gave at Our Lady Star of the Sea in Bremerton. That whole night was perhaps the most ‘charismatic’ experience of our Christian lives, as the answers you gave about Our Lady were the final ‘shoe-in’ to our conversion. Thank you for that.

I can’t really guarantee the most charismatic experience of your Christian life, nor the lynchpin to your conversion (especially if you are already converted), but I do promise I will try my best to bring you some good solid catechesis that will give you a taste of the beauty and truth and joy of the Faith.

Think about it and let me know if you’d like me to come speak.

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