Dear Gay Fascists, Come and Get Me

Dear Gay Fascists, Come and Get Me August 1, 2012

After the stunning boost to sales that the Boston/Chicago Fascist Chik-Fil-A Boycott and Attempt to Smash Thoughtcrime has been for Chik-Fil-A, I’m beginning to think that what I really need to do is incur the persecuting fury of the Gay Legion of Menacing Visigoths for Tolerance.  Every time they make a move to crush another helpless person for the crime of failing to approve of homosex or gay “marriage”, it just sends more business to the victim of the persecution.  Get the state involved in suppression of Thoughtcrime and people with cardiovascular illness start dragging themselves out of bed just to eat fatty food to spite the bullies.  If I can get them to marshal the fascistic power of the mayors of Boston and Chicago against me, I may be able to retire after all.

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