In Our Name

In Our Name September 27, 2012

Like it or not, in a representative democracy, what our elected leaders choose to do is what we are choosing to do.  Our government is choosing to act as absolutely unaccountable judge, jury, and executioner of lots and lots of innocent civilians in drone strikes, murdering American teenagers, and with the help of a willing and deeply corrupt media, making such crimes disappear.

We want to console ourselves that all those angry mobs of Muslims abroad are just yelling about a stupid Youtube movie. In reality, many of them are angry because you blew up their house and nearly killed (or succeeded in killing) their children or their wives and your President is lying about it and your press corps is covering it up.

And, curiously, this is a bi-partisan effort since Obama’s ruthless use of lawless power to kill innocent people abroad is one of the few things the right wing media is either silent about or full of tacit approval about.

A country doesn’t act like a lawless dictatorship whose God King is above all human and divine law forever.  Sooner or later, hubris meets nemesis.

Obama voters: how can you sleep at night?  Your President is a lawless war criminal.  If you want hope and change, try hoping that if you vote for somebody who does not advocate grave intrinsic evil, you will see change starting in your own heart and spreading out from there.  Otherwise, you are just a slave of Caesar and an accomplice to his murders.  Think different.  Free yourself.  It is for freedom that Christ has made us free.  Do not let yourself be bound by a yoke of slavery.

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