In the future, everybody will be Hitler for 15 Minutes

In the future, everybody will be Hitler for 15 Minutes September 4, 2012

Dem leader compares Ryan to Goebbels. Klassy with a capital KKK.

Some of you may remember the New Civility the Dems called for after blaming some obscure graphic on a Palin mailing for inspiring an apolitical nutjob to shoot a congresswoman. Apparently, Nancy Pelosi has decided that’s yesterday’s news. So it’s back to the transformation of our political discourse into one massive USENET chat group. Because the Dems are enlightened and high-toned. Like this guy:

If you are having trouble reading that, it’s “Exterminate  Christians one bullet at a time”.

If you are a Progressive who thinks Obama and his cronies care about civility, I have one word to share with you: sucker.

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