Hooray for Ronan Mullen!

Hooray for Ronan Mullen! November 7, 2012

Fighting the good fight in the Irish Senate!  I had the honor of meeting him in Dublin back in 2007.  He writes:

I hope this finds you well. I would like to draw your attention to a very disturbing report by Gemma O’Doherty in today’s Irish Independent. It concerns the behaviour of certain pro-choice counselling agencies who have given dangerous and illegal advice to women seeking information about abortion.

I think it is very important that people be fully briefed about what has happened and I would encourage you to obtain today’s Irish Independent. I also include a link below to the two relevant articles on the Irish Independent website.

The HSE appears to have conceded that there must be a probe into the matter. Both the media and public representatives should recognise the seriousness of this development and hopefully there will be a full investigation and proper accountability.

Best wishes,

Rónán Mullen

Revealed: the abortion advice that could put lives at risk

Shocking breach of good medical practice, says Rotunda chief

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