Truth Cancer and the Redemption of Rebellion

Truth Cancer and the Redemption of Rebellion January 25, 2013

Long ago, I wrote a piece about the weird way that heresies tend to morph into their opposites over time, liberation movements turn into despotisms, feminism turns into a race to eradicate the feminine, communist movements to liberate the oppressed classes turn into forced famines to exterminate them, pro-choice movements back compulsory abortion–and most recently, super-patriotic America Uber Alles neocon zealots (aka Americanist heretics) morph into enemies of America urging secession:

Hannity: States could leave union if feds continue ‘radicalized, abusive’ pattern…

Hannity and his ilk are going to have blood on their hands when somebody in their audience goes John Brown on innocent people in their fantasy war with the black helicopters.

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