Nothing Brings out the Inner Cowardly Police State Sycophant

Nothing Brings out the Inner Cowardly Police State Sycophant April 20, 2013

…like a terrorist act.  First, McCain and Lindsey Graham wet themselves and demand suspension of the Constitution for an American citizen they have decided to declare an “enemy combatant” on the basis of nothing.  Now the reliably hysterical Glenn Beck endorses vigilante execution by police (“…and the other hopefully being killed right now“). These guys would have been first in line to cheer for the Enabling Act (“until the present crisis is over”) after the Reichstag Fire.

The Rubber Hose Right prides itself on being Realistic, Courageous and Hard-Headed.  In reality, it is chockablock with pantywaist cowards ready to flush liberties their ancestors fought and died for right down the toilet in panic over a couple of murderous jerks.

Here’s reality: Americans have committed acts of domestic violence for our entire history. (Think Guiteau and Czolgosz, who murdered the head of state. Think Haymarket bombs. Think Sacco and Vanzetti. Think of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss, miserable Commie traitors. Think Weathermen and SDS and John Hinckley and Timothy McVeigh.) The way we dealt with these criminals was by giving them a fair trial and punishment for the crime.  If the panicmongers on the Rubber Hose right shouting for suspension of due process get their way, they will start defining every crime as an act of “terror” and suspending more and more American liberties in the search for a “speedy” defeat of “terror”. They will end by making this a police state and us a people more subject to fear than we have ever been in our history. They are every inch the anti-American terrorists and enemies of our freedoms they fear others to be.

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