I have a hunch…

I have a hunch… June 7, 2013

we live in a country that is becoming less free and more of a lawless police state each day.

The main effect of rejection of Christ on a civilization is to make it find something else to worship. The big four idols are money, sex, power, and honor. Our civilization offers us all four in the form of power elite in DC/NY/LA. And like all pagan powers, they will inevitably seek to enslave the weak. Slavery is the *normal* state of fallen man. The fantasy that we have “outgrown” it overlooks the enormous civilizational effort it took to destroy it. Christendom is the one place on earth that has seen a (precarious and only partial) victory over it. And that came only at the tail end of Christianity’s long influence. Now that Christianity is waning, slavery will make a swift return. These sort of state actions are hints of what’s to come if we don’t repent and believe the good news.

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