An Episcopalian Reader Writes

An Episcopalian Reader Writes October 22, 2013

You spend a lot of time (and rightly so) excoriating the Thing That Used to be Episcopalianism (TTUTBE). In the interest of equal time, might I commend your attention to a new(ish) thing that God is doing? I spent this past weekend in your back yard (Tacoma, that is) attending the annual Synod of the Diocese of Cascadia, a “missionary diocese” of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), the new Anglican province designed to replace the heterodox American and Canadian provinces.

The congregations of the diocese are, for the most part, small, and have come through rough waters as they left, or were forced out of TTUTBE. In their pursuit of faithfulness to Christ, they’ve left behind church buildings and property. Clergy have left behind salaries and pensions. And now that the dust has settled, what do you think the main topics of discussion are among this battered but faithful remnant? Worship, evangelism, and church-planting. These people love Jesus, and they want others to find joy in him too.

I don’t write all this as an advertisement, but merely to encourage you, and to ask for your and your readers prayers and thanksgivings for your separated brethren. Thanks be to God!

FWIW, I don’t actually spend *that* much time talking about the Episcopalians since, well, we Catholics have enough problems. And your account is inspiring. We Catholics could do a lot worse than to imitate the folks you describe. God bless their humble work in the Vineyard.

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