Go Dominicans!

Go Dominicans! October 4, 2013

They’re busy in Ireland, sticking to the Tradition and, as a result enjoying success.

People still want Jesus.  He is what the Church exists to give.  The Church does other stuff too.  But if Jesus is not at the center, you’re missing the point.  Even if we’re talking about [abortion/contraception/feeding the hungry/religious liberty/abolishing the death penalty/the Traditional Latin Mass/universal health care/marriage and the family/insert Most Important Thing in the World to You here].  If it’s more important than the encounter with Jesus, it is an idol.  And if you didn’t understand that when Francis said it, the odds are pretty good you’re an idolator and need to rethink.

Relax.  We’re all idolators now and then and I’m no great shakes in that department either.  Just as long as you do the rethink when you slide into it, repent, and get back on track.

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