John Weingarten of 40 Days for Life Spokane writes the following letter to Bishop Blaise Cupich regarding his Annual Catholic Appeal:
Dear Bishop Cupich,
February 4 was the birthday of Christian pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who much like Saint Maximillian Kolbe, stood up to the evil of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Where they saw inhumanity and immorality, they raised their voices. They did not—could not—stand by while the voiceless were being brutally treated as less than human and snuffed out. My heart breaks as I see so many Catholics, all of whom are called to live lives of holiness, often failing (myself included) to do so. Forgive me if this letter seems harsh, but after much prayer, I feel compelled to write this.
Speaking of the greatest holocaust of our time, Pope Francis said “Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you.”
It has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions that several of the institutions that call themselves Catholic in your diocese have strayed far from the teachings of the Catholic Church and are engaged in activities causing the destruction of souls, but you have turned a blind eye.
When told that Providence Sacred Heart routinely performs tubal ligations and recommends artificial birth control (which often act as abortifacients), what did you do? When it was brought to your attention that doctors at that institution are engaged in performing abortions (they call them “early inductions” and just leave the baby to die a horrific death) what was your response?
When advised that Gonzaga was planning to honor then Governor Christine Gregoire, one of the most pro-abortion politicians in the country, and that GU had invited Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu to bestow on him an honorary degree at commencement when you were informed he actively promotes abortions, did you even raise your voice to object that such honors would be inappropriate and would create scandal?
But when your wonderful and faithful priests and seminarians simply wanted to pray for the unborn and their mothers, and to be Christ for those babies being killed at abortion facilities, that moved you to action—and you put a stop to it. No priests or seminarians have been seen at abortion facilities in this diocese since, even though many have told me privately they wish they could be there.
My heart also breaks that I cannot in good conscience support the ACA, but I will give our money to causes that support morality and stand up against evil. I will also continue to fervently pray for your change of heart.
Saint Maximillian Kolbe, pray for us.
In Christ,
John Weingarten
As is his custom, the bishop has not responded. I do not understand Bp. Cupich’s hostility to the prolife movement and 40DFL, but this is not the first time I have gotten samizdat from some suffering soul in Spokane, struggling with the fact that the bishop appears to be bent on campaign of crushing and suppressing pro-life activity and punishing people for the crime of being orthodox. I do not understand that guy.