Fusion Breakthrough?

Fusion Breakthrough? November 13, 2014

A reader sends this along:

The news cycle lately does nothing but make me mad or sad. But this … this could be civilization changing, for the better.

I have yet to see this confirmed elsewhere. And it is so potentially civilization changing, that I am VERY skeptical. But if it is true, then was just entered the age of Star Trek. This is like Tony Stark technology. No more energy crisis. Which means no more wars for oil, because no one will need oil anymore. No more carbon emissions.

If it is a joke, they’ve pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes.

Yeah. I’m skeptical too since you are the only person I’ve heard mention this and these are the only two links I’ve seen. On the other hand Lockheed-Martin is not Art Bell and would have nothing to gain from a lie that will quickly be exposed. Nor is Scientific American chopped liver. So I’m definitely Wait and See on this.

Anybody else heard anything about this? It would be epoch-making if true.

Anyone? Bueller?

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