Simcha Fisher and Mark Shea: Learn to Spot the Subtle but Telltale Differences

Simcha Fisher and Mark Shea: Learn to Spot the Subtle but Telltale Differences December 17, 2014

It has been brought to my attention that some readers are having trouble telling the difference between me and Simcha Fisher.  Here are some tools for making that distinction.

First, study these photos carefully:

As you can plainly see, the top photo highlights my trademark rich luxuriant hair, as well as my much-discussed crazed rage over the question of torture defense. Meanwhile, the photo at the bottom shows Simcha in one of her beautiful white dresses and tiaras she always dons in order to “get in the zone” as she writes deeply spiritual articles on Catholic purity and the need for Catholic men to treat their wives like queens by making sure they micromanage their sartorial choices. Also, her membership in InJewCon entitles her to free beatbox accompaniment by Dick Cheney (seen behind her in this photo) whenever she so desires.

If you have any further words of praise, please direct them to my comboxes.  If you have any questions, complaints, accusations, conspiracy theories, or ridicule, please feel free to visit Simcha (who is totally not me) at her blog and post them there.  Please be sure to write in all capital letters and post everything three times to make sure the universe sees it.

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