Dear Criminal Element

Dear Criminal Element June 19, 2017

If you decide to pull of a $30,000 tech heist, be sure the tech you steal is not GPS tracking devices:

This Way, Gang! A burglary of a Silicon Valley tech company netted $30,000 worth of equipment, including computers. The thief was easy to track down, but not because he was injured in the break-in, and left blood “and other DNA evidence” at the scene. It was because the target was Roambee of Santa Clara, Calif., which makes GPS tracking equipment. “There is no [power] switch,” said Roambee spokesman Vidya Subramanian. “It’s always on and it always tells you, as long as it’s got a battery, where it is in the world.” The company simply relayed to police where the 100 trackers were located, and officers raided two locations, finding not only the stolen trackers, but various other stolen goods from other burglaries. A suspect is in custody. (RC/San Jose Mercury News) …It’s great we don’t need a high-tech tracker to know where he’ll be the next 3–5 years.

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