May 9, 2009

Chronicling the Weirdness. Read more

May 9, 2009

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May 9, 2009

You can find out all about it and register for it here. It’s gonna be big fun! We’ll have all kinds of fun speakers and stuff, plus some sort of peek at Manalive (I’ve said too much already). I’ve been asked to give a talk called “Becoming Innocent” as a way of helping conference-goers take their post-prandial naps. And, of course, Dale Ahlquist is huh-larious. Don’t miss it if you can. Read more

May 9, 2009

Lovely! Read more

May 9, 2009 Steve Greydanus reports that it rocks, though the rocks have a couple of cracks in them. Read more

May 9, 2009

Some kid gets hauled out of his house in the middle of the night because eager beaver Feds empowered by the Patriot Act to shred the Constitution are hyperventilating over somebody apparently hacking the kid’s IP and faking bomb threats. Two months later, the kid is still rotting in the slammer while his mother is powerless to do a thing about it. Of course, the kid *might* be guilty of something. What should we do? Well, Charles Krauthammer is urging... Read more

May 9, 2009

…was in fine fettle the other day. Read more

May 8, 2009

Got back in about 11 last night. Stayed up late readying the rest of the book orders to go (L’Shipping department, c’est moi!). Slept five hours. Now have a big project to do. So: see all y’all Monday! Your prayers that I can wade through all the work ahead would be appreciated. Read more

May 7, 2009

Howdy, all y’all! I’m writing from a computer high atop the glittering spires of the dazzling Catholic Answers Tower in downtown San Diego. The building I’m in is actually so tall that it is the last part of North America visible to ships sailing away from San Diego over the curvature of the earth. Paid for by Jimmy Akin’s personal fortune, it includes the latest in high-tech Catholic apologetics software and computing power, as well as a vast arsenal of... Read more

May 5, 2009

I’m off to Catholic Answers early tomorrow to help out with the launch of Mary, Mother of the Son. I’ll be back on Friday. Till then, keep the proverbial beans out of your proverbial noses. By the way, I sent out 46 orders today and will try to get the rest done later this week. If your books don’t show up within two weeks, please lemme know. Enjoy! My hope is that these books start a healthy conversation about our... Read more

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