April 28, 2009

A while back, Ron Suskind reported that we had threatened to harm Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s kids. It was the sort of story you hope is not true. (And, of course, I was denounced for taking note of it since some readers reject stories which originate from ritually impure sources. But, come to find out, there is more evidence for it emerging (I await the spectacle of torture defenders laughing off tormenting and terrorizing frightened children as “just like Halloween” or... Read more

April 28, 2009

A while back, Ron Suskind reported that we had threatened to harm Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s kids. It was the sort of story you hope is not true. (And, of course, I was denounced for taking note of it since some readers reject stories which originate from ritually impure sources. But, come to find out, there is more evidence for it emerging (I await the spectacle of torture defenders laughing off tormenting and terrorizing frightened children as “just like Halloween” or... Read more

April 28, 2009

I think I have finally beaten Luke. Read more

April 28, 2009

I think I have finally beaten Luke. Read more

April 28, 2009

Helping to make your statutory rape trouble free! Read more

April 28, 2009

Helping to make your statutory rape trouble free! Read more

April 28, 2009

A reader writes: You ask this question: “Why are Catholics trying so hard to find justifications for war crimes when the Catechism is so bloody clear that torture is not justifiable and that prisoners are to be treated humanely?” Why are you so afraid of posting comments on issues that you ban commenters who do not drink your kool aid. If the post is harsh, make the argument against it unless you have no real arguments and operate simply on... Read more

April 28, 2009

In which I point out the bleedin’ obvious to some amazingly reality-resistant readers at Inside Catholic. Fave rave comment so far from a torture defender: Crushing of testicles is probably a disproportionate sentence for anything short of rape (yes, nine year olds are capable of it!). (Highlights mine) Since the release of the torture memos, one notices a certain flop sweat desperation in the apologetics being mounted on behalf of torture. After six years of lying and denial from torture... Read more

April 28, 2009

One reader writes: Please join the Notre Dame students in praying for the conversion ofPresident Obama and for their beloved University. Even if you can just pray one rosary it would be greatly appreciated.They are trying to record 1 million rosaries before commencement. Please record your rosaries here. while another notes that Mary Ann Glendon has, God bless her, turned down an award from Notre Dame in protest of the honors they are heaping on Obama. Good for her! I... Read more

April 23, 2009

…so I’m gone. For those newbies who are asking what “Manalive” is, go here and click on the trailer tab to see our fun little trailer. Go here to read the novel upon which the film is based. Bottom line: a fun and wise story upon which we hope we have based a fun and wise film. Read more

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