April 8, 2009

In which we discuss Easter and the Liberty of the Icon. Read more

April 8, 2009

Fr. Phil Bloom at Holy Family in West Seattle sends along the following: Fr. Frank Pavone will be in Olympia and Seattle for the weekend of April 18-19. Fr. Pavone is National Director of Priests for Life and Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. Also he serves as President of the National Pro-life Religious Council and as Pastoral Director of Rachel’s Vineyard. Following is the schedule for his visit to Olympia and Seattle: Saturday, April 18, 2009 St. Michael Parish1021... Read more

April 8, 2009

Let HHS hear your voice in opposition to the removal of the conscience clause. Read more

April 8, 2009

A reader writes: Innocent civilians are being bombed by the Sri Lankan government just because they are Tamilian. Tamilians are Indians (from the state of Tamil Nadu) who moved to Sri Lanka decades ago and have been living there. They are being attacked as they are minority and are treated second class though most are citizens of Sri Lanka. Kindly, pray for these people. God our Father, grant peace and reconciliation to the suffering people of Sri Lanka and, especially,... Read more

April 8, 2009

Here’s an interesting train wreck from the Culture of Death: Senate Republicans are now privately threatening to derail the confirmation of key Obama administration nominees for top legal positions by linking the votes to suppressing critical torture memos from the Bush era. A reliable Justice Department source advises me that Senate Republicans are planning to “go nuclear” over the nominations of Dawn Johnsen as chief of the Office of Legal Counsel in the Department of Justice and Yale Law School... Read more

April 8, 2009

Check out the Christian Prayer Center. Read more

April 8, 2009

will the people who spent years in a perpetual state of bafflement wondering “What O what *is* torture? I’m soooooo confused!”, who kept demanding (and rejecting) “definitions” of torture (while never lifting a finger to supply one of their own will actually read the International Red Cross Report on the war crimes committed by the Bush Administration and then covered up by same. I would have no problem at all with trying and jailing the culprits. Won’t happen though. And... Read more

April 8, 2009

Apparently, once more, at least. Christians go to Church for the visible liturgical portrayal of the stories upon which they stake their understanding of the cosmos. Atheists go to movie theatres, evidently. If I were an atheist, I’d find it a thrill, I suppose, the first time I walked into a cavernous dark room and saw an immense face made of light telling me (and all the other people around me) that we’re right and there is no God and,... Read more

April 8, 2009

St. Paul tells Timothy that, in appointing bishops and presbyters to teach, sanctify and govern the Church, he must, among other things take care that the guy is not a newbie to the Faith: He must not be a recent convert, or he may be puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil; moreover he must be well thought of by outsiders, or he may fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. (1 Tim... Read more

April 8, 2009

…or if he’s so wet behind the ears that he is genuinely surprised that his actions are so rude and stupid. Case in point: is the guy *trying* to destroy US relations with the Vatican? Or is he really so naive as to think that since nobody outside his intellectual hothouse sees a problem with abortion then the Holy See can’t really be serious about it either? Some people have their undies in a bunch about Obama’s diplomacy in the... Read more

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