January 26, 2009

Whenever you hear somebody say that torture is not as serious as abortion because it’s inflicted against evil terrorists and not innocent babies, remember that what they are really saying is that the purpose of torture is punishment, not information gathering, and we can be sure that the people we are punishing are guilty. In one of the more spectacular feats of intellectual compartmentalization they will say this at the very same time they will tell you that we have... Read more

January 26, 2009

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 2009 I hope and pray that you had a very Blessed Christmas season, and have a New Year that brings you deeper into the Sacred Heart of our beloved Lord! I also wanted to let you know of a couple of upcoming engagements… On Tuesday, February 3rd at 2PM I will be giving a talk at the Montrose School in Medfield, Mass. If you are interested in attending, contact me for more information.... Read more

January 26, 2009

Being prolife means more than just not killing babies. Read more

January 26, 2009

Please ask your readers to pray for Loretta, who has Stage IV cancer and is preparing to begin chemo. Also, my old Evangelical pastor, Jerry Crick writes: Dear friends; It has been a long time since I wrote and share what God is doing in my life. There have been many challenges and I have learned a great deal from the Holy Spirit. God is gracious and I would like to share with you some of what he’s doing with... Read more

January 26, 2009

…to Economic Revival! Because fewer consumers and workers is the sure-fire way to societal and financial health! Ask the woman who invoked St. Augustine as her ally in the war for abortion on demand. She’s not a dunce or anything. It’s gonna be a long four years. Read more

January 26, 2009

The more religion becomes a consumer mode for accessorizing, rather than a matter of truth, the more Americans, including ignorant Catholics and Evangelical Emergent types, will have no problem with it. When Christianity ceases to be about what is true and simply becomes one’s preferred way of coping with life, the more helpless one becomes the liberal theological project. Rick Warren was, in a way, a perfect demonstration of this. He is to be commended for taking a deep gulp... Read more

January 26, 2009

Work is a mess right now, by which I mean there is a strong possibility of either a pay cut or no work at all in about three weeks. Please put in a good word for me. Father, please look with love upon your son Ed and grant him and his family the provision they need in order to get through this difficult time. Lord Jesus, you are the Providence of God. Please provide for Ed’s earthly needs and all... Read more

January 26, 2009

“Scripturally minded people should not allow their suspicion to give way to a complete cynicism regarding politics. Since God is powerful, power in itself cannot be construed as something evil,” states Barron. “The United States is a nation ‘under God’ which means political figures-whether they accept it or not-are under a higher authority and they can’t do whatever they want.” Read more

January 26, 2009

…the really hard questions until they’re really pressed to it,” he says. The universe has, built into it, a way of not allowing the consequences of ignoring God from going unnoticed forever. Of course, being fallen, we tend to immediately forget the lessons as soon as things get easy again. But troughs are still invaluable times for us. In the words of Screwtape: MY DEAR WORMWOOD, So you “have great hopes that the patient’s religious phase is dying away”, have... Read more

January 26, 2009

One of the thorny difficulties of trying to heal schism in the Church is that schismatics aren’t always brave and plucky rebels whose noble purity of heart led them to bravely oppose grave evil in a Church that Just Didn’t Understand Them. Sometimes, the schismatics are dim-witted, self-aggrandizing, anti-semitic jerks like Bp. Richard Williamson. So why would the Pope want reunion with them? Well, because the excommunication was never about Williamson’s dim-witted, self-aggrandizing, anti-semitic jerkness, but about the consecration of... Read more

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