The Impact of Sin on Intimacy

The Impact of Sin on Intimacy February 5, 2019

We discussed the nakedness of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25).

God intended marriage to be a place where two people were exposed before Him and each other. Not just physically exposed, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, too. His plan was for marriage to be a place for complete sharing and intimacy.

But a lack of purity—sin—can prevent a marriage from being what God has planned for it. Sin is what caused Adam and Eve to become “unnaked” (to coin a word).

When the two of them ate the fruit, their relationship changed immediately. They lost their innocence. Their comfortable, total nakedness gave way to shame and fear. Their first step was to cover themselves with fig leaves.

The Garden story shows us that marriage was initially pure until sin entered it:

  1. In the beginning, Adam and Eve’s differences could be openly expressed. (Their genitals were the most obvious physical difference.) But when they found leaves to cover themselves, they showed that the presence of sin keeps our differences from being safely expressed.
  2. In the beginning, they enjoyed unhindered intimacy. (There was no clothing to remove for sex.) But sin destroys the atmosphere necessary to breed intimacy.
  3. In the beginning, their most sensitive areas could be exposed without fear. (Genitals are the most sensitive area of the body.) But sin keeps us from exposing the sensitive, delicate areas of our lives.

It is clear that sin is the greatest obstacle to openness between a husband and wife.

Romans 6:23 tells us that the “wages of sin” is death. That penalty remains constant, which means sin is always deadly. When we allow sin into our lives or our relationships, we swallow a deadly spiritual poison. It hurts, no matter how small the dose.

Without a healthy respect for the deadly effects of sin, we become easy targets for Satan’s destructive schemes against us.

That’s why purity is so important to a marriage. Both husband and wife must be careful about what is allowed into their lives.

If you were covered in mud and you hugged your spouse, you would obviously transfer some of that mud to him or her, right? Sin is the same way. Marriage is such a close bond that everything each person thinks, says, or does impacts the other person and the quality of the relationship.

There is no such thing as “private sin.”

Does your marriage suffer from a lack of nakedness? If so, sin may be blocking your attempts at intimacy. Confess that sin to God and your spouse. Ask for forgiveness, and let God’s grace begin to heal your heart—and your marriage.

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