This year I’ve deeply pondered the truths of John chapter one. As I’ve considered all that God wants to show us through His Word in this chapter of Scripture, this poem has been welling up within me – – – to be poured out and hopefully inspire others to “Come and See,” as well.
Be encouraged! ❤️
“Come and See”
“Look and see,” they welcomed me
And so I went and saw –
The stories they each share with me
Fill me with hope and awe.
I know them not, in person, real –
But they’ve become my friends
As time I spend time with their words
And see God through their lens
I walk with them by rivers,
I sit with them by streams,
I listen to their memories,
I read about their dreams
I ponder their great letters
I weep when they shed tears
I follow their rejoicing
I understand their fears.
I sorrow in their struggles
I wrestle with their sin
I agonize with their suff’ring
I watch them in their wins.
My heart breaks with their failures
My soul laughs when they are glad
My mind bursts with their encounters
For, oh! what lives they had!
So human, broken, sinful – they
Are secondary though –
For the goal of all that they convey
Is the One they came to know.
Their words leap off the pages,
As I come to realize –
That I so want to know God more
As I see Him through their eyes.
The testimonies of their days
Is what they leave behind
A treasure hunt, a breadcrumb trail
For my greatest joy to find.
Their lives are now just history
But each gives me a glimpse
Into the greatest mystery
And my heart begins to sense –
That I am also welcomed in
To walk deeper, upward, higher still
God’s invitation is for me, as well
His welcome, just as real.
“Come and see,” He says to me –
And so I go to look.
I linger in His pages
I revel in His Book.
From early morn then in the night
I seek Him all day long.
His Word becomes the lamp for me
His Story becomes my song –
For Christ is not just history
He’s alive and lives today –
And I catch glimpses of His glory
As I follow in His way.
“Come and see,” He says to me
So I follow in His steps –
I run where He says “Go” to me,
And I stop where He says, “Rest.”
I meander through the Bible,
It is my daily bread –
His Word is my nutrition,
It weaves me into its thread.
Human, broken, sinful – I
Am not worthy of this honor, mine –
But Jesus stoops from heaven’s porch
To touch my mortal with His divine.
“Fear not, I’m with you always,”
His promise extends to me –
And so I, too, take His hand,
When He says, “Come and See.”
This path began with people
Who led me on the trail
And now I walk with confidence
And lead others here as well.
“Look and see,” they welcomed me –
This now is my refrain
As I hold out the invitation
And help others know His Name.
So, “Come and see,” I say to you –
As I begin to tell –
Of redemption, joy and healing
God has given me, as well.
This is life’s greatest purpose,
’Til we see Him on His throne.
The “Seek Him” leads to “Speak Him” –
To “Meet with God and Make Him Known.”