Change is Inevitable and God is Certain

Change is Inevitable and God is Certain January 30, 2024

Change is inevitable
       Change will happen but God is certain


The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.

Numbers 14: 7-9


It doesn’t matter if we had lived during biblical times or are modern day followers of Christ. Our lives are always changing. Always. Changing. Time never stops for anyone or for any purpose.


God is our security

What we have to remember, the truth we have to hold on to is this: change is inevitable but God is certain. That’s our rock solid comfort when we begin to feel our life shift and alter all around us.

As we read through this passage in Numbers about the twelve spies being sent out to check out the land, we can bank on one thing…they were afraid. These men saw the beauty of the promised land but they also saw the terrifying obstacles. We can be exceedingly grateful that two of the twelve pleased the Lord by their words of courage which they spoke to Moses.

God is our good father

As I study this section of Scripture, I’m reminded that I can learn much from the Old Testament believers and how they governed their lives…fears and all. Two lessons here stand out.

First, the two spies who expressed confidence in God’s protection and deliverance knew two things. They realized that God was their Father and as such he wanted good for them. Second, they knew that even though change was scary, God would be with them.

How might we grab hold of these two essential biblical truths to help strength our resolve to please the Lord by trusting him when unwanted changes come our way?

Change can drive us to God in a good way

How can we learn to tamp down our fears, worries, and anxieties before they take over and begin diminishing our faith and render us paralyzed?

As we study God’s Word and make his promises settle deeply within our hearts and minds, we can grow into lion-hearted Christians who are willing and able to face the inevitable changes that come. We can be like these two brave spies who saw the same fearful obstacles as their counterparts but chose to throw the weight of their trust onto God.  We can.

We can choose to rest in God

But it takes deliberate and consistent work on our parts. How so? Daily we have to choose to open our bibles and allow God’s truth to saturate our hearts and minds. It’s our choice. It always is.


Questions for Personal Reflection:

  1. When I face unexpected changes this week, I will choose to run to the Lord with my fear and worries. I will spend time in prayer asking the Lord to give me his perfect perspective.
  2. This week I will make time to write in my journal reflecting upon the God’s past faithfulness to me so that I am reminded of how he will care for me in the future.
  3. I will choose several promises from Scripture to commit to memory and will read and reread them throughout the day so that these comforting truths become part of my first response to any type of fear or worry about change.
About Michele Howe
Michele is the author of 29 books for women, children, and families. She has published over 3000 articles, reviews, and curriculum. Her newest release is Serving As Jesus Served - Practical Ways to Love Others. You can read more about the author here.

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