For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude.
“The spigot of blessing will always, at some point, run dry. It is simply false teaching to say otherwise. God does bless those who obey him, but not always with such blessing as many erroneously teach. His ultimate desire is that we know him. It is a scanty “knowing” that comes by blessing alone.”
Why is it so difficult for Christians to enjoy themselves? Why do we feel guilty or ashamed when we take time off to simply have a little fun? For some, it might be the way they were raised. No fun allowed until all the work is done; and honestly, when ever is all the work done? For others, their expectations might be the culprit. And yet, while God’s Word tells believers not to chase after or put their trust in wealth, it does say God gives us (meaning everyone of us) everything for our enjoyment. So, that means nature, pets, people, food, music, literature, theater, you name it, “all things” richly for us to enjoy.
God’s Created World Is Joy-Driven
Our five senses were given to us for a good reason (and within reason)…and God’s created world is rife with opportunity to explore and experience these enjoyments firsthand. So, as we put our hope in God, we can enjoy the blessings from His hand (and we should). So our task for today is this: go outside (or at least look outdoors from the inside) and ponder the glory and wonder of God’s created world.
Look closely And Then Look Again
Look closely. What do you see? Birds? Trees? A glorious skyline filled with sunshine and clouds? Look even closer. Take a magnifying glass if need be to adjust your heart’s attitude and truly gaze at the wonder of our created world. Then give thanks to our good heavenly Father who does all things well.
And then? Remember. God didn’t create all this beauty for himself. He did it for us. God knew the hardships we would face. The discouragements we might feel throughout our lives as we experience disappointments, setbacks, and even some mighty derailing circumstances that will have us running to him for cover and comfort.
The Goodness Of God All Around Us
But in all of the ups and downs of life…and there will be countless times when we feel overcome by sorrow and loss, we would do well to look to the created world to fuel our hope and secure our peace. As we take time to look beyond our suffering and sorrow, we can see…truly see…the goodness of God all around us.
Surely, the headlines won’t change. Our circumstances may not offer us any relief for the time-being. But God. As we pray for eyes to see and for a heart of gratitude, we can begin to sore above the troubles and trials and regain our footing on heavenly hope. So today when you’re feeling overcome and overwhelmed, don’t stop with those downward spiraling emotions. Look closely and remember. Then give thanks to God for his constant reminders of goodness, beauty, and wholesome joy that is found all around us in the natural world.