It’s My Very First One!

It’s My Very First One! April 2, 2010

So I guess I’m the newbie to MMW, and I’m really, really excited about it! I guess you can tell by the title that this is my first post. I’m looking forward to sharing my critique and analysis on Muslim women in the media, and I hope you, as readers, will be interested in whatever I write whether you agree or disagree.

A little about myself:

My name is Ruqia, and I’m a student at the University of Houston. I’m majoring in Journalism and minoring in Women’s Studies. After I’m done with my undergrad years at UH, I hope to go to UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. Until then, I’m set in Houston taking great advantage of any opportunities that come my way, like MMW. I’ll stop talking about myself now, and again, I hope you all enjoy reading my posts!

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