Lent Day 7: Distracted

Lent Day 7: Distracted March 12, 2014

Fr. Robert Barron’s Lent Reflection for today advised the subscribers to try and reduce distractions so that there would be time to focus on more important things. Too bad I got that e-mail late into the afternoon, during which I was drowning myself in distractions. 

Time for some honesty: I like being distracted. I like planning, but procrastinating is just as fun. This is especially true on days when there’s nothing immediate around the corner.

The problem is that this time, there is something coming around: my weekend retreat. I can’t give away details (confidentiality agreement), but I’ll be on staff for a retreat this weekend and part of the process involves writing affirmation letters. I have been procrastinating on finishing these letters because right now, I don’t feel like I’m being sincere. I also feel like I’m being fake when I write these because I am writing to strangers, but I know that these letters are important.

It doesn’t help that I didn’t get up when my alarm went off and that I totally forgot to do my morning prayers. But this is all part of Lent. We fall so that we can get back up again.

In true procrastinator fashion, I will strive to do my best to finish these letters first thing tomorrow morning. I pray that I actually get up when my alarm goes off and spend my day productively.


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