His Mercy is Given to Those Who Turn Away From Him

His Mercy is Given to Those Who Turn Away From Him April 23, 2015

My latest meditation from the Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship is up!

An excerpt:

I am always fascinated by conversion stories. I envy converts to the faith because they came to the Church out of their own free will. Although I went to Catholic school for most of my life, I didn’t have full knowledge on how awesome being Catholic was until college. But even cradle Catholics are called to love the Church they grew up in. Most of us have a crisis of faith at some point or another and that always changes us, for better or for worse. We also know many people who suffer a crisis of faith and end up leaving the Church. It’s a heartbreaking concept. But somehow, by the grace of God, some people find their way back home.

Read the rest here.

Please pray for fallen-away Catholics today.


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