Yiddish Policemen’s Union

Yiddish Policemen’s Union May 28, 2007

Every once in a while one stumbles upon the perfect read. This is an idiosyncratic experience, obviously. Each person has their own perfect read. My most recent stumble is Michael Chabon’s latest, the Yiddish Policemen’s Union. A traditional hardboiled detective, but in a Sitka that has become the refuge for the world’s Jews following the collapse of Israel in 1948. It takes place a couple of months before this sanctuary, now a city of several millions, reverts to the U.S. where the hardboiled detective is seeking to solve a murder as time runs out…

A fast read, but contains deep and dark secrets of the human soul.

I was mildly disappointed in the ending, which seemed a bit predictable. But, having read books where the author has felt compelled to surprise and shock, perhaps a bit predictable isn’t really a bad thing.

An unreserved recommendation for your Summer Read!


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