UU Minister officiates at First Legal Same Sex Marriage in Iowa

UU Minister officiates at First Legal Same Sex Marriage in Iowa September 3, 2007

The other day I noticed the headline of a legal Iowa same sex marriage conducted in a brief window of opportunity, but only caught the (of course) Unitarian Universalist connection when reading UU Shelby Meyerhoff’s blog, where she wrote the following:

Sean Fritz and Tim McQuillan are the first gay couple legally married in Iowa, after a judge ruled on Thursday against the Iowa law banning gay marriage. The judge stayed his ruling on Friday, pending appeal. Fritz and McQuillan are the only couple who were able to get through the process before it was closed.

Their wedding was officiated on Friday morning by Rev. Mark Stringer, at the his home. Rev. Stringer is the minister at the First Unitarian Church of Des Moines.

Weddings are a critical religious and secular ceremony. Weddings celebrate the wonder and promise of two people committing their entire lives to one another. When adults in a loving, consensual relationship are ready to make this commitment, we should rejoice, not condemn. I’m so proud that this couple choose to be married by a Unitarian Universalist minister, and that Rev. Stringer was there to serve.

The blogs UUA Politics and Jess’s Journal have links to the media coverage.

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