A Few Words of Caution to My Progressive Friends

A Few Words of Caution to My Progressive Friends February 7, 2008

A few minutes ago I learned Governor Romney is withdrawing from the race, leaving the field pretty much to Senator McCain. Already the knives are coming out and the governor himself is suggesting a vote for any Democrat is a vote for the Jihadists, and his continuing to run for the presidency would only support the Democrats and others who would “aid a surrender to terror…” This is going to be an ugly race.

And here’s an important, very important point for my progressive friends.

Despite what the lunatic right, and particularly those bizarre creatures who populate right wing commentary might say, Senator McCain is himself a right-winger. I am not demonizing here. I think he is an admirable figure in many ways, and in a clean election, he can present an honest vision for America. One with which I deeply disagree, but an honest vision. What there should be no doubt about is it will be a deeply conservative vision…

Should the senator become president all those who have progressive concerns will be sorely disappointed. To those who doubt this, or even worse, assert how one or the other of the two contending Democrats would be no better or maybe worse, than Mr McCain; I ask you to remember those admirers of Ralph Nader who said there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush…

We are now at a point where Senator McCain will be shoring up his base, reaching out to social conservatives, and mark my words, the reach isn’t far or hard, and pretty much launching into his national campaign.

In the meantime the Democrats are apparently very nearly evenly divided between senators Obama and Clinton. And we are embarked into a dangerous time for those who hope for a more progressive future for our country.

And as much as I wish I cannot shake those words of how Democrats have a unique talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The Clinton campaign has already shown an inclination to go for the jugular. And the Obama campaign has evidenced a disdain for Hillary Clinton which include suggestions that should she prevail their partisans might sit the general election out.

I fear this may be shouting into a hurricane. But here it is.

Democrats, grow up already!

Fight hard for your candidate. And don’t drag down the opponent. However much you may wish it otherwise, there are no major differences between senators Obama and Clinton. From my perspective considerably to the left of either of these two people, I really need to point this out. There are differences, yes. But let’s be real, they’re both center left, with only the slightest tilt to that left. This fact is among the reasons they’re electable in a center-right country. I have decided for myself that given the difference between a well oiled political machine and a call for a new vision, I’m going for that call of vision. And so I voted for Senator Obama. But, should the senator from New York prevail, I will enthusiastically support her, and that well oiled machine. I can only hope the same will be true for the supporters of Senator Clinton should Mr Obama prevail or those of Senator Obama should Ms Clinton prevail.

But, please! It will jepordize the chances of victory for the Democrats and any chance of a progressive vision for our country, and how we shall engage the world, if either side in this contest chooses to indulge an inclination to demonize their Democratic opponents in these long months – the Republicans have for all practical purposes already selected their standard bearer, are looking for ammunition, and are listening closely…

Two cents…

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