Postcards from the New Age

Postcards from the New Age July 15, 2008

I was having a cuppa with an old friend and I was complaining how I was trying to hitch a ride on someone’s wireless network to check my email, but it seemed everyone’s site was password protected..

He launched into why people should always password protect their wireless connections. Then as an illustration mentioned how he’d recently learned his teenaged son and some fellow hooligans liked to drive around the neighborhood with a laptop up and looking for just such unprotected sites. 
When they would find one, they’d run their youthful mojo, and download onto their unsuspecting host’s computer a complete text of the Communist Manifesto
Me, I’m only a few minutes away from thinking knocking over outhouses was the sin qua non of youthful hijinx…
What a wonderful new age.
I’m also getting a password for my wireless network…

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