Thinking About Lawyers (Why am I grumpy?)

Thinking About Lawyers (Why am I grumpy?) July 18, 2008


And I’m not the only one.

As it turns out when we refinanced back in two thousand and two, lowering our interest rates, the attorney neglected to file the necessary papers.

(This reflection will ultimately be about lawyers…)

Fast forward. Even though there were subsequent refinancings (there were a number of opportunities to lower rates in those days), now as we are selling, all is stopped ’till that one event in ought two is resolved.

I’m not sure at this moment but I think there are five lawyers involved. The lawyers are now fighting among themselves.

You are reading the reflection of collateral damage…

So the people who want to buy our house and thought they were today, are grumpy.

And the people who wish to sell us theirs, and thought they would on Monday, are grumpy.

And then there’s Jan & me. We’re grumpy.

I think the only one not grumpy is Auntie. And that’s because she’s not paying attention…

Okay, here’s where I find myself thinking about lawyers.

And William Shakespeare…

Sadly, I think Mr Gey is right.

Right after that other reviled crowd, journalists, we probably rely upon lawyers to protect our democracy more than any other herd of folk.

Not that they’ve been doing all that good a job of late. Hey, Mr Obama?

Then again… As a class they are ego-monsters with vastly higher opinions of themselves than reality would warrant. And when they screw up they really screw up. But at the same time, while falling short of every ideal, shove comes to push and they are our last best hope.

And somewhere in all that complexity is one of the reasons why I continue to support the junior senator from Illinois in his grand bid…

Even if he is a lawyer.

And, sadly, in large part, because he is one…

Sometimes I hate irony…

(ps: doesn’t mean the herd couldn’t profitably be thinned a little. And I have some names at the tip of my tongue…)

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