Can You Feel a Brand New Day?

Can You Feel a Brand New Day? January 20, 2009

I understand as soon as the oath is administered, senior staff will leave the inauguration for the White House.

There is much work to do.

Too much, too much. Even the lovely slide show is marred by one image of Senator McCain with the “not” sign over his face. Unnecessary, and speaks to wounds and anger and hatred that bubble… The litany of ill is long… Thing are so wrong & the President-elect (I pause, I know this may be the last time I write that word to designate Barack Obama) may be as good a choice as we could hope for at this time and place – but the tide is strong, and the gathering storm is fierce, and he is just a man with all the strengths and weaknesses that means, and who knows who and what will be washed away in the torrent?

I don’t forget that.

But, today, oh my today…

I keep weeping…

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