Feeling Sorry for Myself

Feeling Sorry for Myself February 7, 2009

‘Tis annoying.

Tomorrow is one big, big deal in my life. Truthfully one of the bigger…

At three in the afternoon I will be installed as the minister of the First Unitarian Church of Providence.

This is only the seventeenth time since they gathered together in 1720 that this congregation has installed a minister.

There are all sorts of muckety-mucks going to be there. The mayor of Providence is bringing greetings as are a few too many clergy of various sorts. The preacher is one of the two candidates for president of the UUA, the one I’ve endorsed and am pretty sure will be the next president. (Not because of that endorsement, which probably hurts; but because she seems of two good people the best prepared for the hard times we’re in and are likely to remain in for a while…)

And now after a few days waking up with a scratchy throat and just a bit woozy yesterday I awoke pretty sick. Still am…

Yesterday I was well enough to work on my sermon for the morning service, sleep work on my sermon.

Today I was up enough to work on my sermon go get treats and put them in our guest’s hotel room, come back and take a very long nap.

I’m now going to look at the sermon for tomorrow morning and I hope it isn’t too hallucinatory…

Maybe another nap. An early dinner with our guests before shooing ’em off to their hotel.

And a desparate prayer this is as bad as I get…

Did I mention I’m annoyed.

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