Gini Courter Endorses Laurel Hallman for UUA President

Gini Courter Endorses Laurel Hallman for UUA President February 18, 2009

As regular readers of this blog might know I am a supporter of Laurel Hallman’s bid to become the next president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. I am one of many ministers and lay leaders who have long been impressed with Laurel as a leader within our Association and feel she is the best candidate to take us through these next difficult years with a promising vision. I am pleased to learn that our Moderator Gini Courter agrees…

The Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman is the leader Unitarian Universalism needs at this pivotal moment in the life of our Association.

The last three UUA Presidents – Bill Schulz, John Buehrens, and Bill Sinkford – all addressed growth in their campaign platforms. As President, each spoke eloquently and frequently about growth, and each in turn increased our visibility and our public voice. The number of visitors to our congregations has increased dramatically, but our membership has not.
It is time to shift our focus to our congregations, and treat them not like customers who purchase programs and inspiration, but as Association members with common concerns and shared purpose.

At this moment of possibility, Unitarian Universalism needs a leader grounded in our polity who knows that real growth will come not from having a thousand congregations listen to one leader, but from the work of a leader who listens to our thousand congregations.
In this time of promise, Unitarian Universalism needs a collaborative leader who will work with the UUA Board to focus the resources of the Association on supporting each congregation’s ministry to its members and visitors, its local community, and the world.
In this time of uncertainty, Unitarian Universalism needs a proven CEO and experienced fundraiser with the tenacity and courage and love that are needed to create lasting institutional change.

Laurel Hallman is that grounded, collaborative, proven leader.

I encourage you to elect Laurel Hallman to serve as the next President of our Unitarian Universalist Association.

Gini Courter

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