One Hundred Thousand

One Hundred Thousand April 28, 2009

I’m not sure what to make of it.

But as I write this I am two hits on this blog shy of having been visited one hundred thousand times.

This is my one thousand forty-seventh post in that time.

Which, by the by, began on a Friday, September the 8th, 2006. I began with a poem from Hanshan.

Here’s another, this one in Red Pine’s translation…

Since I came to Cold Mountain

how many thousand years have passed?

Accepting my fate I fled to the woods,

to dwell and gaze in freedom.

No one visits the cliffs

forever hidden by clouds.

Soft grass serves as a mattress,

my quilt is the dark blue sky.

A boulder makes a fine pillow;

Heaven and Earth can crumble and change.

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