Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage

Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage April 14, 2009

The Society for the Relief of free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, the first American organization dedicted to abolition was formed on this day in 1775 in Philadelphia. Among its organizers were Benjamin Rush and Benjamin Franklin, who would eventually become its president.

I think about how long it would take to address the most glaring aspect of what is justly called our American original sin and end it in law.

I think of how despite his greatness in so many ways, and how we saw this as such a horror, that in order to keep the revolution united, how Franklin did not pursue this at the foundation of the republic. And so many others also had the failure of courage at the foundation. That list is long…

And, I think ever more of Lincoln…

And how there are those who want to minimize his part in this struggle, saying the war only became about slavery later…

But how the southern states knew what would follow his election like day follows night.

And that is was one state’s right they treasured, and that’s why they seceded…

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