Remembering the Pardon

Remembering the Pardon January 21, 2010

On this day in 1977 Jimmy Carter fulfilled an early and repeated campaign promise.

He issued a pardon to all Vietnam war draft resisters.

It was the hard emotional end to a long and terrible war…

This event was a very important issue for me as my brother had refused induction and had gone underground.

Leaving me with regular visits from the FBI. At first they were quite aggressive, threatening various things, including sending my mother to prison. As the years passed I noticed how the assignment to visit relatives was being passed on to the new kid in the office. They would practice various tactics on me.

At first it was frightening. Later it was annoying.

So, thank you, Jimmy!

By the bye, among those who were able to return to the country thanks to this pardon was Jesse Winchester.

Here you go…

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