Honoring the WASPs

Honoring the WASPs March 9, 2010

I was driving into church this morning when I heard the most fascinating, compelling and lovely story about the WASPs during the Second World war, women who flew military aircraft in a variety of capacities back here in the States, freeing up men to go into combat.

If you have eight minutes and fifty nine seconds to listen to it, I heartily recommend you do. There’s a print text as well. Go here for both.

As one might expect if hoping for something better, they were not well treated. Trained on their own dime, worked long and dangerous hours, and when one died had to kick in on their own to pay to send the body home.

The story was triggered by the fact tomorrow, the surviving WASPs are all receiving the Congressional Gold Medal, a bit late, but still, needs to be done.

At no extra charge, here’s a two part Youtube video I found about them. (it takes a bit more than a minute for the audio to kick in…)

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