A Letter to NPR Regarding Juan Williams

A Letter to NPR Regarding Juan Williams October 21, 2010

To Whom it May Concern:

While Mr Williams is not my favorite among the many voices I’ve heard over the years, I must protest his summary firing following his appearance on Fox’s O’Reilly Factor.

I think an honest expression of anxiety in the face of today’s situation can be very appropriate if, as in this case, as I understand it from reading several news stories, the speaker uses it as an opportunity to encourage people to move beyond the knee jerk. This seems to be what Mr Williams did. And, considering what I understand to be the social stance of many viewers of Mr O’Reilly’s show this could be a very important message.

Mr Williams states that in the wake of this event he was summarily fired without an opportunity to defend his actions.

Vivian Schiller’s statement attempting to clarify that an NPR analyst may in no public venue express a personal opinion even in support of a larger and socially commendable view seems amazingly bureaucratic and petty.

Ms Schiller lists unnamed other events that contributed to this firing. If they exist they should be named.

NPR is among the most important of my news sources, as well as where I go for entertainment.

I’m deeply saddened by what feels to be a badly handled personnel issue.

I hope this decision will be reconsidered.


James Ford

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