Belated Noticing the Blogisattva Awards Have Been Announced

Belated Noticing the Blogisattva Awards Have Been Announced December 12, 2010

Gee, all you have to do is go out of town for a couple of days…

While I was gone Blogisattva announced its nominees for various writing awards. They were first given by Tom Armstrong and these days are taken care of by a team of Buddhist bloggers. I like their work for many reasons, not least of which is that they bring attention to some worthy folk.

Not that they always get it right. For instance I’m on the receiving end, myself this year…

I got an honorable mention for Best “Life” Blog.

And I was a finalist for Best Achievement Blogging Opinion Pieces or Political Issues. Not the area I think I would most have wanted to be acknowledged.

But, really, I was, am grateful, anyway, that someone noticed.

I was also gone long enough for them to announce the winners. No dice this time around.

Fun, however, was had by all.

Although I should note for the judges, I did have a speech ready…

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