Hanging With Buddhists

Hanging With Buddhists June 8, 2011
Okay, I’m packed.

It’s always interesting to discover what one has forgotten. Of course, while I’ve set the stage, that’s a joy I’ll discover in all its specificity later. I do hope it’s not toothpaste…

There are supposed to be 230 Dharma folk at this shindig. I quickly ran through the list of people who I could identify as Zen and there doesn’t appear to be a whole lot of ’em. Us. So, it’ll be fun to hang with folk committed to the Dharma enough to have been recognized as teachers in their traditions, or are writers on this subject so dear to my heart, but from different, often wildly different traditions for a couple of days.

The agenda looks pretty loose. Actually the whole thing looks pretty thrown together, particularly considering someone started planning this quite a while ago. But that’s fine with me. I get plenty of opportunities to participate in over produced things.

If I get a chance I’ll “live blog…”

In the meantime, kids, don’t forget to get enlightened quickly and save all those many beings!

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