Of Aspiration and Achievement

Of Aspiration and Achievement September 5, 2012

One of the great lines last night came from San Antonio mayor Julian Castro. “My mother fought so that instead of a mop, I could hold this microphone.”

I found it so inspiring.

Then I read one column that took the mayor to task for demeaning the dignity of holding a mop.

I find this sort of comment so off the mark. Well meaning, I’m sure. But so off the mark. Aspiring to something, and being grateful in achieving in no way demeans those who labor. It speaks nothing to the dignity of labor one way or another. What this speaks of is opportunity, and reaching and succeeding.

It also points, at least as the mayor phrased it, to how our success in life so often is dependent upon what others do. We rarely, maybe never, do it all on our own.

I swear it is the sort of comment that can only be made by those who haven’t toiled at hard jobs without financial reward or soul satisfaction. It ignores the harsh realities for those who push a mop for a living. Those of us who come from the lower strata of society, and the geographical references are relevant, know what a rare thing it is to break out of the caste into which we were born. Often harder for the fact our culture pretends we aren’t caste ridden.

So, no apologies.

I’m so proud of Mr Castro’s mother.

I’m so proud of the mayor.

From where they came. For where they are.

It gives me hope for all of us.

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