The Zen of Earthquakes

The Zen of Earthquakes September 3, 2012

From today’s Shambhala Sunspace

Readers of the Shambhala Sun may recall James Ishmael Ford from his article, “I Want to Be… Peaceful,” which kicked off our July 2012 issue’s special section on Buddhist meditations. Now Ford — who is also a guiding teacher of the rapidly-growing practice network, Boundless Way Zen, has a new book out called If You’re Lucky, Your Heart Will Break: Field Notes from a Zen Life.

We’re pleased to share with you here one of that book’s early chapters, entitled “Earthquakes“

Go here for the chapter.

Hope you like it.

And if you find it compelling, perhaps you’ll follow the link to the publisher they provided, or, pick it up at your local bookstore.

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