Renowned Brain Researcher & Zen Practitioner Dr James Austin to Speak at the First Unitarian Church of Providence

Renowned Brain Researcher & Zen Practitioner Dr James Austin to Speak at the First Unitarian Church of Providence October 25, 2014


Neurologist, researcher, and Zen practitioner, James Austin, MD, will be speaking at the First Unitarian Church of Providence this Monday evening. Professor Austin is perhaps best known as the author of the award winning Zen and the Brain (MIT Press, 1998). His most recent work is Zen Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen.

Come for this illuminating, perhaps we should say enlightening talk on the relationship between brain research and Zen practice by a leading scholar and long time practitioner of the Zen disciplines.

This talk is sponsored by the Benevolent Street Zendo a community of the Boundless Way Zen Network, and is open and free to all.

7pm, Monday, 27th October, at the First Unitarian Church of Providence, 1 Benevolent St (corner of Benefit and Benevolent), Providence, Rhode Island.

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